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  • Welcome to Sacha Cousin, Sébastien Blasco and Matthew Flammia, Swixim Sallanches

    New Franchisees

    New Franchisees

    Interviews with Sacha Cousin, Sébastien Blasco and Matthew Flammia,
    new Swixim International franchisees in Sallanches.

    The three friends, who were already partners in a concierge/short-term rental business, chose the Swixim international network to open an estate agency in Sallanches.

    Here is the interview with the 3 highly motivated and dynamic franchise partners!


    Sacha, what qualifications do you have and how did you get into the property sector?

    ‘I have a degree from the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce and a Masters in Financial Engineering from EM Lyon. I've always had a passion for property! Firstly, on a personal level, through various investment projects during my higher education years, and then in my professional life, during my experience in mergers and acquisitions and as a financial controller, where I've always noticed the same thing: real estate is the most attractive asset class in Europe!
    Then there's the desire to fulfil everyone's dream of owning their own home. Of course, it's not always possible to afford the dream, but you have to be able to find a solution for any project, and that's the challenge I like to take up with real estate: each property and each project is unique!


    Sébastien, tell us about your degree and your passion for real estate.

    ‘I graduated in 2011 as a ‘tourist reception technician’ and worked as a concierge for 7 years in a Relais & Chateau in Chamonix, Le Hameau Albert 1er.
    How did I get into the property sector? I've always wanted to become a homeowner and invest in property, so being able to help, advise and make other people's dreams come true is a real source of satisfaction for me.


    Matthew, what is your background and how did you get into the property business?

    « Je n'ai pas suivi de parcours académique classique ce qui est tout à fait commun au Canada. Je n'ai pas de diplôme, je n'ai pas fait d'études après le lycée, mais je suis un entrepreneur autodidacte. J'ai lancé plusieurs entreprises, et bien que certaines n'aient pas abouti à un succès, elles m'ont offert des expériences enrichissantes. Ces aventures entrepreneuriales m'ont permis d'acquérir une compréhension précieuse du monde des affaires et de la gestion financière, tout en prenant plaisir à relever ces défis.
    Au cours de ma vie, j'ai acheté et vendu de nombreuses propriétés. Le secteur de l'immobilier est très unique et j'ai toujours admiré les agents qui prennent ce secteur au sérieux. Je serai ravi d'accompagner mes associés dans l'amélioration du service client et de partager des idées novatrices inspirées des nombreuses collaborations que j'ai eues au fil des ans. »

    More specifically, what attracted you to Swixim international?

    ‘It was the expertise of a group that has been able to develop on the Swiss market and export to France that was decisive for us. We share the same values, which creates a real bond. We feel a solid dynamic that gives us confidence and enables us to look to the future.


    What did you think of the induction training for new franchisees?
    ‘It is well organised and structured, with supporting tools such as a well-constructed extranet and good training materials.


    What about the Starter+ real estate course?
    ‘Through the trainers' experiences and theoretical explanations, good introductory content. The various media make it easy to come back to.’


    Can you tell us a little about the various people you are dealing with?
    ‘Good exchanges, with very interesting support and shared experiences. The Franchising staff are attentive and responsive.’


    To conclude this interview, what are your development objectives?

    ‘Our main development objectives are as follows: firstly, we're aiming to increase our market share in the lower part of the valley, and we're launching a campaign to recruit 2 additional sales agents. Secondly, we are planning to open a second open-store branch in Chamonix/Mont Blanc. Finally, we want to create synergies between our holiday rental, property buying and premium services businesses. Of course, all this will be achieved by working in a network with other Swixim Franchisees in France, Switzerland and soon in other countries.’